Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects

M6D1 DQ Part 2.3

M6D1 DQ Part 2.3

Q Now that we have reviewed the dynamics of team approach in the healthcare setting, let’s apply our knowledge by addressing the following discussion questions

Q Taking this question one step further, let’s assume that your group has reached an impasse. Place yourself in the role of the team leader: What steps would you take to resolve the situation?

Q Looking back to Week 3 on effective communication, is there anything from that module that you would find particularly useful? Why? Would you approach the situation differently whether it is an inter- versus intra- disciplinary conflict?

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Impasse is the most undesirable situation that any team ever wishes to visit. Disagreements over issues and perspectives often challenge the successful completion of a project and worst cases are the ones which take into account the welfare of a large group of